Sunday, August 10, 2014

Getting used to playing eve and the some of the many things you can do in eve.

Some of you newer guy's who have just started playing that this is a point an shoot game but there is also alot more to it then you would realize.

To help players realize on what you can do in eve there are many things you can actually do in it.

From planet interaction where you can build the parts needed for T2 ships and other advance gear.

Wormholes or WH for short where you can live in space and can call a POS(player owned station) your home. This is where you can make over 200+ million isk an hour. It does depend on which class of WH you choose to live.

You can run missions in high sec, low sec, and null sec for standings as well as massive amounts of loot, salvage, and bounties. Depending on the level of missions you are doing you can actually earn 400+ million isk per 24 hours depending on how many missions you can grind.

There is also Faction Warfare where from what I have heard you can make about 600 million isk a day. Although I don't have much experience in FW I do have friends who are in it and do tell me their stories while they are in FW. Also FW is mainly low sec and this is where you can see capital ships from time to time.

You can also start up a hauling business where you can haul items or ships from point A to point B for another player and get paid. But you will need to get some isk in your pocket due to collateral and watch out for those scam courier contracts. Never accept ones that are too high of a collateral and make you go through low sec and null sec.

There is mining where you can earn 100+ mil a day depending on how much you mine. You mine ore and then can reprocess it to make minerals which then you can sell on the open market or to an manufacturing who uses the minerals to produce ships as well as gear and ammo.

Manufacturing is an very important job in eve online as well as mining because they lay down the concrete for eve online and are the foundation of it. Depending on the skills you have and what you can do with manufacturing you can make anywhere from 10 million isk to the 2 billion isk range depending on your skills and what you decide to produce.

There are incursions where you are mainly in small fleets ranging from 4-10 players in a fleet. Haven't had much personal experience due to the first time I did I died way to fast, but hey it was funny.

There Are many more ways you can earn isk though out the universe of eve online. It is a really big game that is massive and so complex you really cannot learn it all in 1 day.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Welcome to Eve Online where you can get info on about everything in eve

Hello Capsuleers and other people. My Name is JTClone Ares. I have been playing eve online for over 9 months now, and I am here to help you guide your way through eve. I will warn you about certain corps and alliances and how to get you alot of isk in your wallet as well. I will also give you tips on how certain things work and also the mechanics of Eve both high sec and little bit of Low Sec knowledge as well. I am not good at null sec and have very little bit of experience down in Null. 

I won't be adding all the mechanics and other knowledge I am willing to share with you at the moment due to this is my first post. But I will add more to further your knowledge of eve and a guide to help you make alot of isk in a very shoot time.